Pemakaian Listview pada visual basic 6.0 sangat membantu untuk meletakkan beberapa data ke dalam suatu tempat pada program sebelumnya sudah pernah di bahas tentang menggunakan listview pada visual basic 6.
Pada program berikut ini akan diulas kembali untuk kasus yang hampir sama yaitu penggajian karyawan.
Silahkan design form Program Visual Basic Pemakaian Listview Penggajian Karyawan berikut ini .
Untuk perintah ikutin instruksi berikut .
Paling atas Code Program ketikkan perintah berikut ini :
Dim lst As ListItem
Double click Combo NIK rubah event menjadi Click
Private Sub NIK_Click()
Select Case NIK.Text
Case "001": Nama.Text = "Oncom"
Case "002": Nama.Text = "Udin"
Case "003": Nama.Text = "Ujang"
End Select
End Sub
Double click Combo Status rubah event menjadi Click
Private Sub Status_Click()
Select Case Status.Text
Case "Menikah": TunjKeluarga.Text = 0.15 * Gaji.Text
Case "Tidak Menikah": TunjKeluarga.Text = 0
End Select
Total.Text = Val(Gaji.Text) + Val(TunjKeluarga.Text) - Val(Pajak.Text)
End Sub
Double Click Form
Private Sub Form_Load()
NIK.AddItem "001"
NIK.AddItem "002"
NIK.AddItem "003"
Jabatan.AddItem "Mandor"
Jabatan.AddItem "Kepala Bagian"
Jabatan.AddItem "Staf"
Status.AddItem "Menikah"
Status.AddItem "Tidak Menikah"
Call cmdBaru_Click
Listview1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "NIK", 1000
Listview1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Nama", 3000
Listview1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Jabatan", 1500
Listview1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Gaji", 1000
Listview1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Status", 1000
Listview1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Tunj. Keluarga", 1500
Listview1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Pajak", 1000
Listview1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Total Gaji", 1500
Listview1.GridLines = True
Listview1.FullRowSelect = True
Listview1.View = lvwReport
End Sub
Double Click Combo Jabatan rubah event menjadi Click
Private Sub Jabatan_Click()
Select Case Jabatan.Text
Case "Mandor": Gaji.Text = 1750000
Case "Kepala Bagian": Gaji.Text = 2500000
Case "Staf": Gaji.Text = 1250000
End Select
Pajak.Text = 0.15 * Gaji.Text
End Sub
Double Click Command Baru
Private Sub cmdBaru_Click()
NIK.Text = ""
Nama.Text = ""
Status.Text = ""
Jabatan.Text = ""
Pajak.Text = ""
Total.Text = ""
Gaji.Text = ""
TunjKeluarga.Text = ""
End Sub
Double Click Command Proses
Private Sub CmdProses_Click()
Set lst = Listview1.ListItems.Add(, , NIK.Text)
lst.SubItems(1) = Nama.Text
lst.SubItems(2) = Jabatan.Text
lst.SubItems(3) = Gaji.Text
lst.SubItems(4) = Status.Text
lst.SubItems(5) = TunjKeluarga.Text
lst.SubItems(6) = Pajak.Text
lst.SubItems(7) = Total.Text
Call cmdBaru_Click
End Sub
Double Click Command Keluar
Private Sub CmdKeluar_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Sehingga keseluruhan program dapat terlihat seperti berikut ini :
Dim lst As ListItem
Private Sub cmdBaru_Click()
NIK.Text = ""
Nama.Text = ""
Status.Text = ""
Jabatan.Text = ""
Pajak.Text = ""
Total.Text = ""
Gaji.Text = ""
TunjKeluarga.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub CmdKeluar_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub CmdProses_Click()
Set lst = Listview1.ListItems.Add(, , NIK.Text)
lst.SubItems(1) = Nama.Text
lst.SubItems(2) = Jabatan.Text
lst.SubItems(3) = Gaji.Text
lst.SubItems(4) = Status.Text
lst.SubItems(5) = TunjKeluarga.Text
lst.SubItems(6) = Pajak.Text
lst.SubItems(7) = Total.Text
Call cmdBaru_Click
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
NIK.AddItem "001"
NIK.AddItem "002"
NIK.AddItem "003"
Jabatan.AddItem "Mandor"
Jabatan.AddItem "Kepala Bagian"
Jabatan.AddItem "Staf"
Status.AddItem "Menikah"
Status.AddItem "Tidak Menikah"
Call cmdBaru_Click
Listview1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "NIK", 1000
Listview1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Nama", 3000
Listview1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Jabatan", 1500
Listview1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Gaji", 1000
Listview1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Status", 1000
Listview1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Tunj. Keluarga", 1500
Listview1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Pajak", 1000
Listview1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Total Gaji", 1500
Listview1.GridLines = True
Listview1.FullRowSelect = True
Listview1.View = lvwReport
End Sub
Private Sub Jabatan_Click()
Select Case Jabatan.Text
Case "Mandor": Gaji.Text = 1750000
Case "Kepala Bagian": Gaji.Text = 2500000
Case "Staf": Gaji.Text = 1250000
End Select
Pajak.Text = 0.15 * Gaji.Text
End Sub
Private Sub NIK_Click()
Select Case NIK.Text
Case "001": Nama.Text = "Oncom"
Case "002": Nama.Text = "Udin"
Case "003": Nama.Text = "Ujang"
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Status_Click()
Select Case Status.Text
Case "Menikah": TunjKeluarga.Text = 0.15 * Gaji.Text
Case "Tidak Menikah": TunjKeluarga.Text = 0
End Select
Total.Text = Val(Gaji.Text) + Val(TunjKeluarga.Text) - Val(Pajak.Text)
End Sub
Untuk menjalankan program silahkan Tekan F5. Sehingga hasil program seperti berikut ini.
Selamat belajar yaa
Program Visual Basic Mencari Jumlah Huruf Hidup
Saya yakin anda pasti tahu huruf hidup bukan? Yap, A, I, U, E, O. Program berikut ini untuk mencari jumlah rekapitulasi huruf hidup tersebut, baik huruf besar maupun huruf kecil.
Silahkan design program visual basic mencari jumlah huruf hidup berikut ini :
Berikut listing program visual basic mencari jumlah huruf hidup.
Private Sub cmduraikan_Click()
Dim xa As Byte
Dim xi As Byte
Dim xu As Byte
Dim xe As Byte
Dim xo As Byte
xa = 0
xi = 0
xu = 0
xe = 0
xo = 0
For i = 1 To Len(Kalimat.Text)
x = Mid(Kalimat.Text, i, 1)
If x = "a" Or x = "A" Then
xa = xa + 1
ElseIf x = "i" Or x = "I" Then
xi = xi + 1
ElseIf x = "u" Or x = "U" Then
xu = xu + 1
ElseIf x = "e" Or x = "E" Then
xe = xe + 1
ElseIf x = "o" Or x = "O" Then
xo = xo + 1
End If
Next i
jmlA.Text = xa
jmlI.Text = xi
jmlU.Text = xu
jmlE.Text = xe
jmlO.Text = xo
End Sub
Mau tahu hasilnya?
lihat saja gambar program visual basic mencari jumlah huruf hidup
Silahkan design program visual basic mencari jumlah huruf hidup berikut ini :
Berikut listing program visual basic mencari jumlah huruf hidup.
Private Sub cmduraikan_Click()
Dim xa As Byte
Dim xi As Byte
Dim xu As Byte
Dim xe As Byte
Dim xo As Byte
xa = 0
xi = 0
xu = 0
xe = 0
xo = 0
For i = 1 To Len(Kalimat.Text)
x = Mid(Kalimat.Text, i, 1)
If x = "a" Or x = "A" Then
xa = xa + 1
ElseIf x = "i" Or x = "I" Then
xi = xi + 1
ElseIf x = "u" Or x = "U" Then
xu = xu + 1
ElseIf x = "e" Or x = "E" Then
xe = xe + 1
ElseIf x = "o" Or x = "O" Then
xo = xo + 1
End If
Next i
jmlA.Text = xa
jmlI.Text = xi
jmlU.Text = xu
jmlE.Text = xe
jmlO.Text = xo
End Sub
Mau tahu hasilnya?
lihat saja gambar program visual basic mencari jumlah huruf hidup
Menggunakan Listview Pada Visual Basic 6
Untuk memasukkan data ke dalam listview ternyata sangat mudah, lihat saja programnya berikut ini :
Design Form menggunakan listview pada Visual Basic 6
Listing program Form menggunakan listview pada Visual Basic 6
Dim lst As ListItem
Private Sub cmdbersihkan_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdhapus_Click()
NIK.Text = ""
Nama.Text = ""
Gaji.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub cmdhapuspilih_Click()
ListView1.ListItems.Remove ListView1.SelectedItem.Index
End Sub
Private Sub cmdsimpan_Click()
Set lst = ListView1.ListItems.Add(, , NIK.Text)
lst.SubItems(1) = Nama.Text
lst.SubItems(2) = Gaji.Text
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
NIK.AddItem "K1011"
NIK.AddItem "K2012"
NIK.AddItem "K2021"
NIK.AddItem "K1022"
' Untuk membuat listview
ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "NIK", 1000
ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Nama", 3000
ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Gaji", 1000
ListView1.GridLines = True
ListView1.FullRowSelect = True
ListView1.View = lvwReport
End Sub
Private Sub NIK_Click()
Select Case NIK
Case "K1011": Nama.Text = "Dian"
Case "K2012": Nama.Text = "Susi"
Case "K2021": Nama.Text = "Arista"
Case "K1022": Nama.Text = "Aldyan"
End Select
End Sub
Berikut hasil menggunakan listview pada Visual Basic 6
Demikian program menggunakan listview pada Visual Basic , happy programming
Design Form menggunakan listview pada Visual Basic 6
Listing program Form menggunakan listview pada Visual Basic 6
Dim lst As ListItem
Private Sub cmdbersihkan_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdhapus_Click()
NIK.Text = ""
Nama.Text = ""
Gaji.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub cmdhapuspilih_Click()
ListView1.ListItems.Remove ListView1.SelectedItem.Index
End Sub
Private Sub cmdsimpan_Click()
Set lst = ListView1.ListItems.Add(, , NIK.Text)
lst.SubItems(1) = Nama.Text
lst.SubItems(2) = Gaji.Text
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
NIK.AddItem "K1011"
NIK.AddItem "K2012"
NIK.AddItem "K2021"
NIK.AddItem "K1022"
' Untuk membuat listview
ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "NIK", 1000
ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Nama", 3000
ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Gaji", 1000
ListView1.GridLines = True
ListView1.FullRowSelect = True
ListView1.View = lvwReport
End Sub
Private Sub NIK_Click()
Select Case NIK
Case "K1011": Nama.Text = "Dian"
Case "K2012": Nama.Text = "Susi"
Case "K2021": Nama.Text = "Arista"
Case "K1022": Nama.Text = "Aldyan"
End Select
End Sub
Berikut hasil menggunakan listview pada Visual Basic 6
Demikian program menggunakan listview pada Visual Basic , happy programming
Visual Basic 6.0
Simulasi Konversi Biner Ke Desimal Menggunakan Visual Basic
Program berikut ini untuk melakukan simulasi konversi bilangan Biner ke Desimal.
Desiglah form simulasi konversi biner ke Desimal berikut ini :
Berikut programnya
Function pangkat(nilai As Byte, pang As Integer) As Double
pangkat = 0
Dim xhasil As Double
xhasil = 1
For i = 1 To pang
xhasil = xhasil * nilai
Next i
pangkat = xhasil
End Function
Sub Pisahkan()
If Biner.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
For i = 0 To 7
Bin(i).Text = ""
Des(i).Text = ""
Next i
For i = 0 To Len(Biner.Text) - 1
Bin(i).Text = Mid(Biner.Text, Len(Biner.Text) - i, 1)
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub Bin_Change(Index As Integer)
Dim xdes As Double
If Bin(Index).Text = "" Then Exit Sub
If Bin(Index).Text <> "0" Then
Des(Index).Text = pangkat(2, Val(Index))
Des(Index).Text = 0
End If
xdes = 0
For j = 0 To 7
xdes = xdes + Val(Des(j).Text)
Next j
Desimal.Text = xdes
End Sub
Private Sub Biner_Change()
Call Pisahkan
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim ctrl As Control
Dim txtControl As TextBox
Dim cmbControl As ComboBox
For Each ctrl In Form1.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then
ctrl.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Berikut hasil program simulasi konversi biner ke desimal
Terima kasih telah membaca artikel Simulasi Konversi Biner ke Desimal menggunakan Visual Basic.
Desiglah form simulasi konversi biner ke Desimal berikut ini :
Berikut programnya
Function pangkat(nilai As Byte, pang As Integer) As Double
pangkat = 0
Dim xhasil As Double
xhasil = 1
For i = 1 To pang
xhasil = xhasil * nilai
Next i
pangkat = xhasil
End Function
Sub Pisahkan()
If Biner.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
For i = 0 To 7
Bin(i).Text = ""
Des(i).Text = ""
Next i
For i = 0 To Len(Biner.Text) - 1
Bin(i).Text = Mid(Biner.Text, Len(Biner.Text) - i, 1)
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub Bin_Change(Index As Integer)
Dim xdes As Double
If Bin(Index).Text = "" Then Exit Sub
If Bin(Index).Text <> "0" Then
Des(Index).Text = pangkat(2, Val(Index))
Des(Index).Text = 0
End If
xdes = 0
For j = 0 To 7
xdes = xdes + Val(Des(j).Text)
Next j
Desimal.Text = xdes
End Sub
Private Sub Biner_Change()
Call Pisahkan
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim ctrl As Control
Dim txtControl As TextBox
Dim cmbControl As ComboBox
For Each ctrl In Form1.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then
ctrl.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Berikut hasil program simulasi konversi biner ke desimal
Terima kasih telah membaca artikel Simulasi Konversi Biner ke Desimal menggunakan Visual Basic.
Konversi Bilangan,
Visual Basic 6.0
Program Visual Basic Membuat Puzzle 3 x 3
Design form seperti berikut ini :
Berikut merupakan program untuk permainan puzzle tersebut.
Private Sub cek()
If (Command1.Caption = "1" And Command2.Caption = "2" And Command3.Caption = "3" And Command4.Caption = "4") Then
If (Command5.Caption = "5" And Command6.Caption = "6" And Command7.Caption = "7") Then
If (Command8.Caption = "8") Then
MsgBox ("Selesai")
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Command2.Visible = False Then
Command2.Visible = True
Command1.Visible = False
Command2.Caption = Command1.Caption
ElseIf Command4.Visible = False Then
Command4.Visible = True
Command1.Visible = False
Command4.Caption = Command1.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
If Command1.Visible = False Then
Command1.Visible = True
Command2.Visible = False
Command1.Caption = Command2.Caption
ElseIf Command3.Visible = False Then
Command3.Visible = True
Command2.Visible = False
Command3.Caption = Command2.Caption
ElseIf Command5.Visible = False Then
Command5.Visible = True
Command2.Visible = False
Command5.Caption = Command2.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
If Command2.Visible = False Then
Command2.Visible = True
Command3.Visible = False
Command2.Caption = Command3.Caption
ElseIf Command6.Visible = False Then
Command6.Visible = True
Command3.Visible = False
Command6.Caption = Command3.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
If Command1.Visible = False Then
Command1.Visible = True
Command4.Visible = False
Command1.Caption = Command4.Caption
ElseIf Command5.Visible = False Then
Command5.Visible = True
Command4.Visible = False
Command5.Caption = Command4.Caption
ElseIf Command7.Visible = False Then
Command7.Visible = True
Command4.Visible = False
Command7.Caption = Command4.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Command5_Click()
If Command2.Visible = False Then
Command2.Visible = True
Command5.Visible = False
Command2.Caption = Command5.Caption
ElseIf Command4.Visible = False Then
Command4.Visible = True
Command5.Visible = False
Command4.Caption = Command5.Caption
ElseIf Command6.Visible = False Then
Command6.Visible = True
Command5.Visible = False
Command6.Caption = Command5.Caption
ElseIf Command8.Visible = False Then
Command8.Visible = True
Command5.Visible = False
Command8.Caption = Command5.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Command6_Click()
If Command3.Visible = False Then
Command3.Visible = True
Command6.Visible = False
Command3.Caption = Command6.Caption
ElseIf Command9.Visible = False Then
Command9.Visible = True
Command6.Visible = False
Command9.Caption = Command6.Caption
ElseIf Command5.Visible = False Then
Command5.Visible = True
Command6.Visible = False
Command5.Caption = Command6.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Command7_Click()
If Command8.Visible = False Then
Command8.Visible = True
Command7.Visible = False
Command8.Caption = Command7.Caption
ElseIf Command4.Visible = False Then
Command4.Visible = True
Command7.Visible = False
Command4.Caption = Command7.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Command8_Click()
If Command7.Visible = False Then
Command7.Visible = True
Command8.Visible = False
Command7.Caption = Command8.Caption
ElseIf Command9.Visible = False Then
Command9.Visible = True
Command8.Visible = False
Command9.Caption = Command8.Caption
ElseIf Command5.Visible = False Then
Command5.Visible = True
Command8.Visible = False
Command5.Caption = Command8.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Command9_Click()
If Command6.Visible = False Then
Command6.Visible = True
Command9.Visible = False
Command6.Caption = Command9.Caption
ElseIf Command8.Visible = False Then
Command8.Visible = True
Command9.Visible = False
Command8.Caption = Command9.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Acak()
Dim a, c, m, i, y As Byte
Dim x(10) As Byte
For i = 0 To 9
x(i) = i
Next i
a = 4
c = 1
m = 9
x(0) = Rnd(9)
For i = 1 To 9
x(i) = (a * x(i - 1) + c) Mod m
If x(i) = 0 Then
y = i
End If
Command1.Caption = x(0)
Command2.Caption = x(1)
Command3.Caption = x(2)
Command4.Caption = x(3)
Command5.Caption = x(4)
Command6.Caption = x(5)
Command7.Caption = x(6)
Command8.Caption = x(7)
Command9.Caption = x(8)
If y = 1 Then
Command2.Caption = Command1.Caption
Command1.Caption = x(y)
ElseIf y = 2 Then
Command3.Caption = Command1.Caption
Command1.Caption = x(y)
ElseIf y = 3 Then
Command4.Caption = Command1.Caption
Command1.Caption = x(y)
ElseIf y = 4 Then
Command5.Caption = Command1.Caption
Command1.Caption = x(y)
ElseIf y = 5 Then
Command6.Caption = Command1.Caption
Command1.Caption = x(y)
ElseIf y = 6 Then
Command7.Caption = Command1.Caption
Command1.Caption = x(y)
ElseIf y = 7 Then
Command8.Caption = Command1.Caption
Command1.Caption = x(y)
ElseIf y = 8 Then
Command9.Caption = Command1.Caption
Command1.Caption = x(y)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Demikianlah program visual basic membuat puzzle 3 x 3
Berikut merupakan program untuk permainan puzzle tersebut.
Private Sub cek()
If (Command1.Caption = "1" And Command2.Caption = "2" And Command3.Caption = "3" And Command4.Caption = "4") Then
If (Command5.Caption = "5" And Command6.Caption = "6" And Command7.Caption = "7") Then
If (Command8.Caption = "8") Then
MsgBox ("Selesai")
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Command2.Visible = False Then
Command2.Visible = True
Command1.Visible = False
Command2.Caption = Command1.Caption
ElseIf Command4.Visible = False Then
Command4.Visible = True
Command1.Visible = False
Command4.Caption = Command1.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
If Command1.Visible = False Then
Command1.Visible = True
Command2.Visible = False
Command1.Caption = Command2.Caption
ElseIf Command3.Visible = False Then
Command3.Visible = True
Command2.Visible = False
Command3.Caption = Command2.Caption
ElseIf Command5.Visible = False Then
Command5.Visible = True
Command2.Visible = False
Command5.Caption = Command2.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
If Command2.Visible = False Then
Command2.Visible = True
Command3.Visible = False
Command2.Caption = Command3.Caption
ElseIf Command6.Visible = False Then
Command6.Visible = True
Command3.Visible = False
Command6.Caption = Command3.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
If Command1.Visible = False Then
Command1.Visible = True
Command4.Visible = False
Command1.Caption = Command4.Caption
ElseIf Command5.Visible = False Then
Command5.Visible = True
Command4.Visible = False
Command5.Caption = Command4.Caption
ElseIf Command7.Visible = False Then
Command7.Visible = True
Command4.Visible = False
Command7.Caption = Command4.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Command5_Click()
If Command2.Visible = False Then
Command2.Visible = True
Command5.Visible = False
Command2.Caption = Command5.Caption
ElseIf Command4.Visible = False Then
Command4.Visible = True
Command5.Visible = False
Command4.Caption = Command5.Caption
ElseIf Command6.Visible = False Then
Command6.Visible = True
Command5.Visible = False
Command6.Caption = Command5.Caption
ElseIf Command8.Visible = False Then
Command8.Visible = True
Command5.Visible = False
Command8.Caption = Command5.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Command6_Click()
If Command3.Visible = False Then
Command3.Visible = True
Command6.Visible = False
Command3.Caption = Command6.Caption
ElseIf Command9.Visible = False Then
Command9.Visible = True
Command6.Visible = False
Command9.Caption = Command6.Caption
ElseIf Command5.Visible = False Then
Command5.Visible = True
Command6.Visible = False
Command5.Caption = Command6.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Command7_Click()
If Command8.Visible = False Then
Command8.Visible = True
Command7.Visible = False
Command8.Caption = Command7.Caption
ElseIf Command4.Visible = False Then
Command4.Visible = True
Command7.Visible = False
Command4.Caption = Command7.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Command8_Click()
If Command7.Visible = False Then
Command7.Visible = True
Command8.Visible = False
Command7.Caption = Command8.Caption
ElseIf Command9.Visible = False Then
Command9.Visible = True
Command8.Visible = False
Command9.Caption = Command8.Caption
ElseIf Command5.Visible = False Then
Command5.Visible = True
Command8.Visible = False
Command5.Caption = Command8.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Command9_Click()
If Command6.Visible = False Then
Command6.Visible = True
Command9.Visible = False
Command6.Caption = Command9.Caption
ElseIf Command8.Visible = False Then
Command8.Visible = True
Command9.Visible = False
Command8.Caption = Command9.Caption
End If
Call cek
End Sub
Private Sub Acak()
Dim a, c, m, i, y As Byte
Dim x(10) As Byte
For i = 0 To 9
x(i) = i
Next i
a = 4
c = 1
m = 9
x(0) = Rnd(9)
For i = 1 To 9
x(i) = (a * x(i - 1) + c) Mod m
If x(i) = 0 Then
y = i
End If
Command1.Caption = x(0)
Command2.Caption = x(1)
Command3.Caption = x(2)
Command4.Caption = x(3)
Command5.Caption = x(4)
Command6.Caption = x(5)
Command7.Caption = x(6)
Command8.Caption = x(7)
Command9.Caption = x(8)
If y = 1 Then
Command2.Caption = Command1.Caption
Command1.Caption = x(y)
ElseIf y = 2 Then
Command3.Caption = Command1.Caption
Command1.Caption = x(y)
ElseIf y = 3 Then
Command4.Caption = Command1.Caption
Command1.Caption = x(y)
ElseIf y = 4 Then
Command5.Caption = Command1.Caption
Command1.Caption = x(y)
ElseIf y = 5 Then
Command6.Caption = Command1.Caption
Command1.Caption = x(y)
ElseIf y = 6 Then
Command7.Caption = Command1.Caption
Command1.Caption = x(y)
ElseIf y = 7 Then
Command8.Caption = Command1.Caption
Command1.Caption = x(y)
ElseIf y = 8 Then
Command9.Caption = Command1.Caption
Command1.Caption = x(y)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Demikianlah program visual basic membuat puzzle 3 x 3
Visual Basic 6.0
Program Calculator Pada Visual Basic
Begitu mudahnya membuat program Calculator pada Visual Basic. Mau tahu programnya, lihat saja perintah di bawah ini :
Designlah form program calculator pada visual basic terlebih dahulu
Untuk penamaan komponen lihat tabel di bawah ini :
Textbox1 --> Angka
command button 1 --> btn1
command button 2 --> btn2
command button 3 --> btn3
command button 4 --> btn4
command button 5 --> btn5
command button 6 --> btn6
command button 7 --> btn7
command button 8 --> btn8
command button 9 --> btn9
command button 0 --> btn0
command button + --> btnTambah
command button = --> btnHasil
command button - --> btnKurang
command button +/- --> btnMinus
command button X --> btnKali
command button / --> btnBagi
command button C --> btnC
command button Backspace --> btnback
Adapun listing program calculator pada visual basic dapat dilihat berikut ini :
Dim OPnya As String
Dim a As Double
Dim b As Double
Dim c As Double
Dim bil As String
Function Proseskan(op As String)
Dim xhasil As Double
Select Case op
Case "+": xhasil = a + b
Case "-": xhasil = a - b
Case "/": xhasil = a / b
Case "*": xhasil = a * b
End Select
Proseskan = xhasil
End Function
Private Sub btn1_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "1"
bil = "1"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn2_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "2"
bil = "2"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn3_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "3"
bil = "3"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn4_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "4"
bil = "4"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn5_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "5"
bil = "5"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn6_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "6"
bil = "6"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn7_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "7"
bil = "7"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn8_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "8"
bil = "8"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn9_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "9"
bil = "9"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn0_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "0"
bil = "0"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btnback_Click()
Dim jml As Byte
jml = Len(bil)
If jml > 0 Then
bil = Left(bil, jml - 1)
Angka = bil
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnbagi_Click()
If bil <> "" Then
OPnya = "/"
If a = 0 Then
a = CCur(bil)
b = CCur(bil)
a = Proseskan("/")
End If
bil = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnC_Click()
a = 0
b = 0
c = 0
bil = ""
OPnya = ""
Angka = "0"
End Sub
Private Sub btnhasil_Click()
b = CCur(bil)
Angka = Proseskan(OPnya)
bil = "0"
a = 0
b = 0
End Sub
Private Sub btnkali_Click()
If bil <> "" Then
OPnya = "*"
If a = 0 Then
a = CCur(bil)
b = CCur(bil)
a = Proseskan("*")
End If
bil = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnkoma_Click()
If bil <> "" Then
bil = bil + ","
bil = "0"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btnkurang_Click()
If bil <> "" Then
OPnya = "-"
If a = 0 Then
a = CCur(bil)
b = CCur(bil)
a = Proseskan("-")
End If
bil = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnminus_Click()
bil = CCur(bil) * -1
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btntambah_Click() If bil <> "" Then
OPnya = "+"
If a = 0 Then
a = CCur(bil)
b = CCur(bil)
a = Proseskan("+")
End If
bil = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
operatornya = ""
bil = ""
a = 0
b = 0
c = 0
Angka = "0"
End Sub
ok ! bagaimana mudah bukan?
Designlah form program calculator pada visual basic terlebih dahulu
Untuk penamaan komponen lihat tabel di bawah ini :
Textbox1 --> Angka
command button 1 --> btn1
command button 2 --> btn2
command button 3 --> btn3
command button 4 --> btn4
command button 5 --> btn5
command button 6 --> btn6
command button 7 --> btn7
command button 8 --> btn8
command button 9 --> btn9
command button 0 --> btn0
command button + --> btnTambah
command button = --> btnHasil
command button - --> btnKurang
command button +/- --> btnMinus
command button X --> btnKali
command button / --> btnBagi
command button C --> btnC
command button Backspace --> btnback
Adapun listing program calculator pada visual basic dapat dilihat berikut ini :
Dim OPnya As String
Dim a As Double
Dim b As Double
Dim c As Double
Dim bil As String
Function Proseskan(op As String)
Dim xhasil As Double
Select Case op
Case "+": xhasil = a + b
Case "-": xhasil = a - b
Case "/": xhasil = a / b
Case "*": xhasil = a * b
End Select
Proseskan = xhasil
End Function
Private Sub btn1_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "1"
bil = "1"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn2_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "2"
bil = "2"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn3_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "3"
bil = "3"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn4_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "4"
bil = "4"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn5_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "5"
bil = "5"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn6_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "6"
bil = "6"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn7_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "7"
bil = "7"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn8_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "8"
bil = "8"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn9_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "9"
bil = "9"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btn0_Click()
If bil <> "0" Or OPnya = "" Then
bil = bil + "0"
bil = "0"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btnback_Click()
Dim jml As Byte
jml = Len(bil)
If jml > 0 Then
bil = Left(bil, jml - 1)
Angka = bil
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnbagi_Click()
If bil <> "" Then
OPnya = "/"
If a = 0 Then
a = CCur(bil)
b = CCur(bil)
a = Proseskan("/")
End If
bil = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnC_Click()
a = 0
b = 0
c = 0
bil = ""
OPnya = ""
Angka = "0"
End Sub
Private Sub btnhasil_Click()
b = CCur(bil)
Angka = Proseskan(OPnya)
bil = "0"
a = 0
b = 0
End Sub
Private Sub btnkali_Click()
If bil <> "" Then
OPnya = "*"
If a = 0 Then
a = CCur(bil)
b = CCur(bil)
a = Proseskan("*")
End If
bil = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnkoma_Click()
If bil <> "" Then
bil = bil + ","
bil = "0"
End If
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btnkurang_Click()
If bil <> "" Then
OPnya = "-"
If a = 0 Then
a = CCur(bil)
b = CCur(bil)
a = Proseskan("-")
End If
bil = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnminus_Click()
bil = CCur(bil) * -1
Angka = bil
End Sub
Private Sub btntambah_Click() If bil <> "" Then
OPnya = "+"
If a = 0 Then
a = CCur(bil)
b = CCur(bil)
a = Proseskan("+")
End If
bil = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
operatornya = ""
bil = ""
a = 0
b = 0
c = 0
Angka = "0"
End Sub
ok ! bagaimana mudah bukan?
Program Calculator,
Visual Basic 6.0
Program Teks Berjalan Pada Pascal
Pernah memprogram dengan PASCAL tidak? Banyak yang mengatakan pemrograman ini sulit, namun kalau dipilih pemrograman C itu lebih sulit. hehehe, nah hal ini kembali lagi kepada anda semua.
Oh ya tutorial programming hari ini akan memberikan salah satu contoh program pascal untuk membuat suatu teks berjalan dari kiri ke kanan.
Ketiklan program teks berjalan pada pascal berikut ini :
uses crt ;
kata : string ;
i : byte ;
posisi: byte;
kata := 'Belajar di Mesran.Net' ;
i := 1 ;
clrscr ;
posisi := 1;
while not keypressed do
gotoxy(i-1, 12) ; write(' ') ;
gotoxy(i, 12) ; write(kata) ;
if posisi=1 then
dec(i) ;
if i=50 then posisi:=0
else if i=1 then posisi:=1 ;
delay(200) ;
pada bagian gotoxy(i-1, 12) ; write(' ') ; memang di berikan spasi kosong pada perintah tersebut bertujuan untuk menghapus tampilan sebelumnya.
nah, bagaimana hasilnya apakah program teks berjalan pada pascal sesuai dengan yang anda harapkan?
Oh ya tutorial programming hari ini akan memberikan salah satu contoh program pascal untuk membuat suatu teks berjalan dari kiri ke kanan.
Ketiklan program teks berjalan pada pascal berikut ini :
uses crt ;
kata : string ;
i : byte ;
posisi: byte;
kata := 'Belajar di Mesran.Net' ;
i := 1 ;
clrscr ;
posisi := 1;
while not keypressed do
gotoxy(i-1, 12) ; write(' ') ;
gotoxy(i, 12) ; write(kata) ;
if posisi=1 then
dec(i) ;
if i=50 then posisi:=0
else if i=1 then posisi:=1 ;
delay(200) ;
pada bagian gotoxy(i-1, 12) ; write(' ') ; memang di berikan spasi kosong pada perintah tersebut bertujuan untuk menghapus tampilan sebelumnya.
nah, bagaimana hasilnya apakah program teks berjalan pada pascal sesuai dengan yang anda harapkan?
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