Program Visual Basic Membuat Puzzle 3 x 3

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Program Visual Basic Membuat Puzzle 3 x 3

Berikut merupakan program untuk permainan puzzle tersebut.

Private Sub cek()
    If (Command1.Caption = "1" And Command2.Caption = "2" And Command3.Caption = "3" And Command4.Caption = "4") Then
        If (Command5.Caption = "5" And Command6.Caption = "6" And Command7.Caption = "7") Then
            If (Command8.Caption = "8") Then
                MsgBox ("Selesai")
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
        If Command2.Visible = False Then
            Command2.Visible = True
            Command1.Visible = False
            Command2.Caption = Command1.Caption
        ElseIf Command4.Visible = False Then
            Command4.Visible = True
            Command1.Visible = False
            Command4.Caption = Command1.Caption
        End If
        Call cek
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
        If Command1.Visible = False Then
            Command1.Visible = True
            Command2.Visible = False
            Command1.Caption = Command2.Caption
        ElseIf Command3.Visible = False Then
            Command3.Visible = True
            Command2.Visible = False
            Command3.Caption = Command2.Caption
        ElseIf Command5.Visible = False Then
            Command5.Visible = True
            Command2.Visible = False
            Command5.Caption = Command2.Caption
        End If
        Call cek
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
        If Command2.Visible = False Then
            Command2.Visible = True
            Command3.Visible = False
            Command2.Caption = Command3.Caption
        ElseIf Command6.Visible = False Then
            Command6.Visible = True
            Command3.Visible = False
            Command6.Caption = Command3.Caption
        End If
        Call cek
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
        If Command1.Visible = False Then
            Command1.Visible = True
            Command4.Visible = False
            Command1.Caption = Command4.Caption
        ElseIf Command5.Visible = False Then
            Command5.Visible = True
            Command4.Visible = False
            Command5.Caption = Command4.Caption
        ElseIf Command7.Visible = False Then
            Command7.Visible = True
            Command4.Visible = False
            Command7.Caption = Command4.Caption
        End If
        Call cek
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
        If Command2.Visible = False Then
            Command2.Visible = True
            Command5.Visible = False
            Command2.Caption = Command5.Caption
        ElseIf Command4.Visible = False Then
            Command4.Visible = True
            Command5.Visible = False
            Command4.Caption = Command5.Caption
        ElseIf Command6.Visible = False Then
            Command6.Visible = True
            Command5.Visible = False
            Command6.Caption = Command5.Caption
        ElseIf Command8.Visible = False Then
            Command8.Visible = True
            Command5.Visible = False
            Command8.Caption = Command5.Caption
        End If
        Call cek
End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()
        If Command3.Visible = False Then
            Command3.Visible = True
            Command6.Visible = False
            Command3.Caption = Command6.Caption
        ElseIf Command9.Visible = False Then
            Command9.Visible = True
            Command6.Visible = False
            Command9.Caption = Command6.Caption
        ElseIf Command5.Visible = False Then
            Command5.Visible = True
            Command6.Visible = False
            Command5.Caption = Command6.Caption
        End If
        Call cek
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()
        If Command8.Visible = False Then
            Command8.Visible = True
            Command7.Visible = False
            Command8.Caption = Command7.Caption
        ElseIf Command4.Visible = False Then
            Command4.Visible = True
            Command7.Visible = False
            Command4.Caption = Command7.Caption
        End If
        Call cek
End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()
        If Command7.Visible = False Then
            Command7.Visible = True
            Command8.Visible = False
            Command7.Caption = Command8.Caption
        ElseIf Command9.Visible = False Then
            Command9.Visible = True
            Command8.Visible = False
            Command9.Caption = Command8.Caption
        ElseIf Command5.Visible = False Then
            Command5.Visible = True
            Command8.Visible = False
            Command5.Caption = Command8.Caption
        End If
        Call cek
End Sub

Private Sub Command9_Click()
        If Command6.Visible = False Then
            Command6.Visible = True
            Command9.Visible = False
            Command6.Caption = Command9.Caption
        ElseIf Command8.Visible = False Then
            Command8.Visible = True
            Command9.Visible = False
            Command8.Caption = Command9.Caption
        End If
        Call cek
End Sub

Private Sub Acak()
        Dim a, c, m, i, y As Byte
        Dim x(10) As Byte
        For i = 0 To 9
            x(i) = i
        Next i
        a = 4
        c = 1
        m = 9
        x(0) = Rnd(9)
        For i = 1 To 9
            x(i) = (a * x(i - 1) + c) Mod m
            If x(i) = 0 Then
                y = i
            End If
        Command1.Caption = x(0)
        Command2.Caption = x(1)
        Command3.Caption = x(2)
        Command4.Caption = x(3)
        Command5.Caption = x(4)
        Command6.Caption = x(5)
        Command7.Caption = x(6)
        Command8.Caption = x(7)
        Command9.Caption = x(8)
        If y = 1 Then
            Command2.Caption = Command1.Caption
            Command1.Caption = x(y)
        ElseIf y = 2 Then
            Command3.Caption = Command1.Caption
            Command1.Caption = x(y)
        ElseIf y = 3 Then
            Command4.Caption = Command1.Caption
            Command1.Caption = x(y)
        ElseIf y = 4 Then
            Command5.Caption = Command1.Caption
            Command1.Caption = x(y)
        ElseIf y = 5 Then
            Command6.Caption = Command1.Caption
            Command1.Caption = x(y)
        ElseIf y = 6 Then
            Command7.Caption = Command1.Caption
            Command1.Caption = x(y)
        ElseIf y = 7 Then
            Command8.Caption = Command1.Caption
            Command1.Caption = x(y)
        ElseIf y = 8 Then
            Command9.Caption = Command1.Caption
            Command1.Caption = x(y)
        End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub

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